Achievable New Year’s resolutions which will make a real difference to 2021

05 Jan 2021 Achievable New Year’s resolutions which will make a real difference to 2021

January is traditionally the time of year when we decide to make positive changes to our lives, think about our goals and reassess our priorities.

But if your New Year’s Resolutions are too ambitious, you are setting yourself up to fail. Research carried out by Strava earlier in 2020 found that most people will have given up on their resolutions for the year ahead by January 19.

So what resolutions can you make which will have a genuine impact on your lifestyle without being impossible to stick to? Here are some of our suggestions:

  1. Start saving

Becoming more financially stable is a wish many of us share but, when times are tough, it can be hard to know where to start. Start saving small, regular amounts and put them into a separate bank account so you’re not tempted to keep dipping in to cover everyday expenses. Pick an amount of money you can afford to put away each week and set up a standing order to your savings account so you stick to it. If you haven’t much cash to spare, try going without a luxury like a takeaway coffee or a glossy magazine and save the money you would have spent instead. Even saving just £5 a week will add up to £260 over the year before you take any interest it may earn into account.


  1. Get outside every day

Being active is important for our health and getting fresh air can make a real difference to how you feel. You may not be able to commit to training for a marathon but you can pledge to spend some time outdoors every day, even if is just a quick walk around the block. Just 20 minutes outside is thought to give your brain the same energy boost as you would get from a cup of coffee. If you’re working from home, stepping outside for a screen break can help you restore your focus and make it easier to concentrate once you’re back at your desk. Invest in some warm outdoor clothes to see you through the winter months so you don’t get put off by the British weather.


  1. Create a cleaning schedule

If you feel like you’re constantly on a losing battle to keep on top of your housework, take some time to put together a cleaning schedule. Instead of trying to do everything at the weekend when you want to be relaxing, divide the tasks up across the week so you’re getting at least one job which needs to be done each day. Put your schedule on a whiteboard or blackboard and hang it somewhere you can see it so you can tick tasks off as you complete them. If you live with others, make sure you share the housework fairly between you.


  1. Get going on that declutter

One of the most common aims people have is to declutter their home but getting started can seem overwhelming. The most important thing is to get started, even if it just emptying out one cupboard or donating a bag of items to charity shop. If you are eager to see a quick difference, hire a self storage unit to put your extra things so you can enjoy the space in your home straight away. Knowing you are paying for storage will also give you a strong incentive to sort through your treasures and make a decision on what you want to do with them. Andrew Porter Ltd is currently offering 50 per cent off for up to eight weeks, making self-storage even more affordable.

  1. Drink more water

Ideally, we should all drink six to eight glasses of water a day to stay properly hydrated. However, many people struggle to remember and end up drinking far less than their body needs. Get a reusable water bottle and keep it filled up so you can quickly and easily drink whenever you need to and it will also act as a visual reminder while you’re busy doing other things. One easy way to increase your fluid intake is to make sure you are having a (non-alcoholic) drink with every meal. Another good tip is to set regular reminders on your phone so you sip some water every 30 minutes throughout the day.


  1. Do one thing at a time

We’ve been trained to think that multitasking is the key to getting lots done but, in reality, this often leads to feeling overwhelmed, distracted and unfocused. Try to get into the habit of tackling one task at a time and doing it properly before moving on to something else. Ticking things off your to-do list one at a time will give you a real sense of achievement and help you stay motivated so you end up getting more done.

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