Tips for Sorting Through Your Possessions

02 Mar 2022 Tips for Sorting Through Your Possessions

Today (2nd March), is National Old Stuff Day, a whole day devoted to your possessions that carry history with them, some of which might have real sentimental value. Yet are these amongst loads of other things you’re yet to sort through or you’re keeping because one day, they might come in handy?

We’ve put together a quick guide as to how you can separate and sort your items and declutter your home all at the same time, getting you ready for spring.

When having a clear-out and declutter, we recommend tackling one room at a time and working around that room clockwise or anti-clockwise so you can take in every single item in an organised way. Our best piece of advice though is to sort initially by items you want to keep, and items you don’t and then into sub-categories.

Items you want to keep:

For items you want to keep, you need to ask yourself, where do they belong? 

For trinkets, artwork or antiques, do you want to display them or not? If you don’t want them on display, but don’t want to get rid of them, self store might be a solution for you. That way, they’re there if you want them at any point but likewise, out of the house and not gathering dust and most importantly, they’re safe and secure.

Andrew Porter Ltd offers a huge range of storage solutions, and if you’re not sure where to start, here’s a quick guide on how to choose a unit that’s right for you.

Items you don’t want to keep:

When deciding whether to keep something or not, the fact you’re already considering getting rid of is enough. If you haven’t used or worn something for the past six months or so, and it has no sentimental value, it’s time to break ties. Here’s what you can do with your old stuff.

Donate to charity:

If it’s in good condition and you feel your ‘old trash’ could be another person’s treasure, find a local charity shop taking donations that means something to you and donate. Did you know Andrew Porter Ltd collects then donates items to Derian House? This fantastic charity provides respite and end-of-life care to more than 400 children and young people across the North West. If you've got anything you wish to donate, please contact us.

Put on a giveaway, buy, sell, swap group in the local area:

There are so many groups these days available online to sell unwanted items or donate them to someone who would like and appreciate them. Take a look at your local pages and see if you have anything you can post.


If you have items that you feel are in demand, such as collectables or clothes in fantastic condition, why not download an app and get snapping and selling. With so many apps available, take a look around for the one that you feel most confident using. You never know who is in search of something you’ve got, but don't want and whose day you could make.

However you dispose of your unwanted items, please ensure you do it responsibly.

Out with the old in with the new:

To ensure you stick to this plan and don’t revert to hoarding items that have no sentimental value or keeping stuff even though you don't use it, we challenge you to implement this rule: One item in, one item out. You can apply it to loads of things, including books, games, shoes and accessories, and it will help you keep on top and in control.

By using these simple rules, you’ll not only feel liberated and happy to have helped others in some way, but your house will also look and feel less cluttered and be a more relaxing environment for you, your friends and your family.

Andrew Porter have now launched a dedicated laboratory relocation specialist, APort Global. As part of this there is now a dedicated web site where you can get all the up to date and relevant information about our laboratory relocation services.

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